Sunday, January 13, 2008

Los Gatos de las Cavernas

Within my three months spent in Gandia, I hardly noticed any street cats. I was quite impressed with the efficiency of Gandia Animal Control. However, Gandia might owe this animal control success to the cats themselves. During our beach stroll today, we discovered a klan of cats at the pier by the Playa del Nord. About 4-5 meters of the long pier wall was left as a pile of rocks. In the grooves of these rock piles, cats were laying and sunbathing. Apparently, these cats had chosen the caves behind these boulders as their homes - don't know whether this strip of the wall was purposefully left undeveloped. I would call these cats pretty smart (must be all the 3-omega fatty acids they eat!). What better place to locate yourself: a constant supply of fish by either the fishermen or the dead fish ashore! Either way, they all looked pretty chubby and healthy.

Old people seem to love these cats and they love them back - the cats follow them everywhere.

What do you mean siesta is over?


Hide and seek.

Some variety in diet is healthy, right? Obviously no lack of fresh water, too.

I go...I come back!

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